“JAN ERIK WILLGOHS malerier / paintings

This high-quality new book on my works was published March 2012. 128 full-colour pages, 26×22 cm bound, 68 paintings reproduced together with 47 informative texts on my materials, working-process and consepts. Introduction by art-historican Gunnar Danbolt. All texts in both Norwegian and English language.

The book can be ordered by mail to willgohsorder@c2i.net – It will then be sent by post to your private adress. Price NOK 298 (+ postage outside Norway). – Or it can ordered through your local bookstore.
ISBN 978-82-996581-3-3



This high-quality new catalogue was published January 2013. 48 full-colour pages, 20x23cm. The catalogue is made, together with Feng Xian Lin, for an exhibition at the Hainan Museum, Haikou, Peoples rep. of China. This exhibition will last two weeks during the month of February 2013. In the catalogue 16 of my works are reproduced. All texts in both in Chinese and English languages.